InterAnalytic Couples Therapy (IACT) 1/4/24 Right Brain Psychotherapy with Couples

The importance of a working knowledge of affect regulation theory and Right Brain Psychotherapy from the groundbreaking work of Dr. Allan Schore is foundational to the IACT model. Multidisciplinary research illuminates cycles of emotional reactivity, both within individuals and in a relational context. There are automatic, implicit, non-verbal, bodily based processes which drive habitual and reactive couple interactions. Brain structures, hemispheric differences, and the role of the nervous system in couple interactions are presented. Affect regulation and dysregulation styles and responses are also explored. The integration of these findings can empower the couples therapists and the couple to be able to make mindful choices about their interactions, affecting change. Both explicit and implicit affect regulation skills are necessary for both the therapist and the couple in each session and at each level of interaction.